The degeneration of Nikki Haley By Khalid Amayreh

6. Februar 2018

THE DEGENERATION OF NIKKI HALEY Haley reportedly used to have some moral principles and occasionally advocated certain moral causes. * * A political whore by excellance: Nikki Haley sacrifices moral integrity for political ambitions By [lesen]

Meinem unvergessenen Freund Peter Kleinert zum Gedenken

5. Februar 2018

Erinnerung an einen Freund, Peter Kleinert zum Gedenken! 6. Februar 2018 Evelyn Hecht-Galinski Zwischenruf Genau heute vor zwei Jahren, am 6.Februar 2016, verstarb viel zu früh und ganz plötzlich mein lieber Freund Peter Kleinert. Noch heute, [lesen]

German FM weighs is on Polish Holocaust bill

3. Februar 2018

German FM weighs in on Polish Holocaust bill: Germany alone was responsible for the Holocaust ‚and no one else‘ Auschwitz and Majdanek Were German Death Camps, Calling Them ‚Polish‘ Is Incorrect, Sigmar Gabriel Says Amid [lesen]

Who Owns Auschwitz By Anshel Pfeffer

3. Februar 2018

Who owns Auschwitz? | Opinion | Opinion The Law That Would Prohibit Any Mention of Polish Complicity During World War II Is Wrong. But It Is Also a Stark Reminder That Jews No Longer Have [lesen]

Une nouvelle perception des nos valeurs „commune“! Evelyn Hecht-Galinski Traduction Christiane Reynaud

2. Februar 2018

Commentaire du Hochblauen „ Une nouvelle perception de nos valeurs communes“ Evelyn Hecht-Galinski Commentaire de janvier pour le Daily Sabah Texte original : Traduction : Christiane Reynaud   La guerre est toujours une situation effroyable entrainant [lesen]

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