Why Israel is Burning by Gilad Atzmon

25. November 2016

Why Israel is Burning? – Gilad Atzmon thoughts and music Along the years the JNF performed a crude attempt to eliminate Palestinian civilisation and Palestinian past but it also tried to make Palestine look like [lesen]

Illegale Kriege von Daniele Ganser ofv.ch

21. November 2016

Wir,  die Völker der Vereinten Nationen – fest entschlossen, künftige Geschlechter vor der Geißel des Krieges zu bewahren, die zweimal zu unseren Lebzeiten unsagbares Leid über die Menschheit gebracht hat-…haben beschlossen:… Alle Mitglieder unterlassen in [lesen]

Death of the „Two-State-Solution“ by Jonathan Marshall

19. November 2016

A map showing Israeli settlements in the Palestinian Territories. Death of the ‘Two-State Solution’ November 16, 2016 Exclusive: For years, proposals for a “one-state solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – granting equal rights to all [lesen]

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